I'm pleased to announce more good news about our campaign to resurface the M27.
In November 2020, we confirmed we had secured the funding to allow this project to begin. This was the result of a successful campaign by myself and Jerry Hall from Eastleigh Conservatives. This Summer, I provided a further update that Highways England (now National Highways) had begun selecting a contractor to deliver this project. Various surveys and preparatory works were also carried out
I can now report that a contractor has now been chosen to carry out this scheme and that work to repair the concrete on the motorway will begin in January 2022, ahead of the main resurfacing works that will start in Spring 2023. This is when the new low-noise surface will be installed on the motorway between Junctions 5 and 7.
While this process has taken longer than I would have wanted, partly due to COVID-19, it is also because National Highways are now delivering a much more ambitious project. The new scheme represents a £50m investment in our local area that will provide a much quieter road surface for residents and ensure that the road surface will be fit for purpose for decades to come. Further details and a new project website will be made available by National Highways in the coming weeks.