It was an absolute pleasure to invite pupils from Hamble Primary and Secondary schools and to join them to hand in a petition to Number 10 Downing Street, to ask the Prime Minister for help in opposing the proposed quarry on the old Hamble Airfield Site.
The letter, signed by over 600 pupils and teachers is the latest in a long list of objections to the planning application. In their letter, the pupils refer to their concerns about the negative impacts that the quarry will have including distractions to their learning due to noise pollution from the nearby site; dangers to the safety of children who will be crossing the single increasingly busy road which will see hundreds of lorries travelling back and forth laden with dusty gravel each week; health issues as a result of inhaling said dust; damage to wildlife; and other various health, safety and welfare concerns.
I have been working with local residents and schools to oppose the planning application since it was first announced. The recent consultation received over 5,000 responses, and constituted an overwhelming opposition to the application, each making strong cases for dismissal.
The pupils also got a tour of Downing Street seeing the famous staircase and Cabinet Room before also getting a tour of Parliament. It was a pleasure to meet them all!