Last week I wrote to the Local Government Minister following an auditing report released on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council. It contains some shocking revelations and goes into some details about the whistleblowing and allegations of fraud at the Council and as part of their failing flagship One Horton Heath Development you can read it here:
The report highlights concerns about the potential that laws and regulations have not been adhered to and is critical of EBC's leadership weakness.
I will be meeting with the Minister next week to raise these concerns and to ask him what further steps can be taken given the details in this report. Residents of Eastleigh deserve better. Environmental destruction, massive borrowing, spiralling debt, and allegations of fraud are a serious blot on the Council's record, and it is high time serious action is taken to stop this failing local authority from causing further damage to our community. I am calling for the government to independently investigate and halt work on One Horton Heath and council procurement until concluded.